In early March 2017, we were contacted by Lettuce Party Events. They were organising an Ibiza-themed joint 21st birthday party for two brothers at their Edwardian manor house in the heart of Wiltshire.

An Edwardian Manor In The Heart Of Wiltshire
View Of An Edwardian Manor

We visited the location for a site visit and were told that, although Ibiza was the theme, it needed to have a rustic and traditional theme that was in keeping with the stunning historical backdrop. The marquee supplied would need to accommodate all guests for a sit-down, three-course meal. There would also need to be space for a large dance floor and DJ area with additional seating for guests who wanted to relax away from the museum.

With our brief in place, we began working on the most suitable plan. During our visit, the client expressed a desire to have the DJ set-up at the top of a strong staircase at the end of the garden. The dance floor would then sit at the base of the stairs. Using this, we devised a plan that allows an entirely separate dance marquee that spread over multiple levels of the stairs. There would also be a small link tent which would lead to a larger, traditional marquee for the dining area and chill-out zone.

The project started off relatively straight forward. However, as more and more specialist companies, included lighting teams and catering crews were brought in, we were required to provide a suitable space for them all to work out of. We only had a short 3 month lead time from concept to completion which meant it was imperative that we ironed out every detail. Both the client and all other suppliers needed a tightly organised and precise build-time plan to work with in order to ensure everything ran smoothly.

Marquee Blue Print
View From Inside The Marquee

On set-up day, our experienced team left the yard at 7:00am and arrived on-site at 8:30am. We began marking out all structured on the ground to ensure our client was happy with their locations. Our team began by building the main dining area and chill-out marquee which was a traditional style 12m x 30m design. From here, we build the largest marquee and added in the flooring before splitting the team into two. The smaller group began building the 3m x 15m link tent and the 9m x 9m dance tent. This project was always going to be the most time-consuming part, largely due to the stairs on which the marquee was being built. However, our team tackled the challenge head-on and made it look as easy as the main build.

View From Under The Marquee
Setting Up The Marquee

Due to the knowledge and expertise held by our team, we not only kept to the tight build schedule but also finished the entire build 2 hours ahead of time. This gave the clients more time to put their own personal touches into place before their other suppliers arrived. In the end, the project ran smoothly and our clients were over the moon with all 3 structures.

View Of The Finished Marquee
Beautiful View Of The Marquee At Night

After completing this project, we have been regularly contacted by people looking to host a similar event with our expertise.