Thank you so much for all your hard work getting the lovely vintage marquee up for my daughters wedding last weekend.

The challenges of getting the toilet trailer under the low branches of our walnut tree, erecting the marquee partly on a steep sandy bank and having to do all this in the pouring rain were all taken in very good humour by Josh and his team! They were all so polite and their can do attitude was so positive! On the Saturday the wind was gusting in at just the wrong angle. Chris came out so quickly to secure the bank sides down which was such a relief! Thank you Chris! Everyone loved the marquee, it looked stunning – particularly in the evening with all the golf ball lights on and the fairy lights in the tree. Taking the marquee down was conducted with the same slick efficiency. All the boys knowing their job, all polite and cheerful, all a credit to South West Marquees!

Thank you all so much. Your hard work was very much appreciated. we will certainly be recommending South West Marquees!